Event Incentive Program
The Event Incentive Program is designed to assist in bringing new events that require hotel rooms to the hotels of the Waco TPID. All requests for incentives are first vetted by the Marketing & Incentive Committee and recommended for action by the Waco TPID Board of Directors. Please note a recent W-9 form should be included with your request. Action may include any of the following:
- granting the full request
- granting a partial request
- granting the request contingent upon some additional action
- not granting the request
If approved, then generally, 50% of the request will be paid the month the event takes place. The remaining 50% will be considered for payment upon completion of the post-event form. The Committee and the Board will examine the form and will take action the following month.
Please feel free to download the forms below. If you need assistance, or wish to submit the form, please contact TPID Executive Director, Carla Pendergraft, at carla@wacotpid.com or 254-855-7354.
Event Incentive Request Form
Post-Event Report Form
Please use this form to request the remaining 50% of the original award.
Individual Hotel Incentive Program
Designed to assist TPID hotels in recouping costs to attract new in-house business to their hotels. If you are interested in this program, please contact Carla Pendergraft at carla@wacotpid.com.